Wednesday, July 25, 2012

LETTER #7 1 JAN 1944

Rifle similar to what Uncle Louie was training on.

Basic Firing Positions

He mentions again how being in ROTC in high school paid off.  He talks about drilling and training on a carbine semi-automatic rifle and the firing positions.  He also explains the rigorous "five minutes" drill!

On a personal note he tells his parents not to write out his middle name Herman on the letters!  Now they tease him and call him Herman Thomsen in the barracks!  His mom's dad was Herman and was probably named after him.  And how the packages are coming in and he is still anxiously waiting for his parent's package!

He also mentions about his dad Louis now doing "Navy Work"?  Not sure what kind of work he was doing.  He was a carpenter by trade but around this time he did make a switch.  Maybe with the war going on, the demand for manufacturing was there and he worked at a factory.  Maybe future letters will tell us...


  1. I love how much detail he goes into! I can also tell his hand is cramping or getting tired as the letter goes on, lol!

    A note about the Herman Thomsen. I was trying to figure out what the word is in front of Herman. Is it "Von"? If that's the case, I google searched "Von Herman(n) Thomsen" and it's very German. A Hermann Thomsen wrote a book in the early 1900's called "Deutsches Land in Afrika". Anyway, I don't know at all if that's what he's referring to, but having a German sounding name might be awkward for a young man fighting against the Germans in WWII.

    I like how he mentions about sending out lots of letters in hopes to get lots of letters! You can't help but feel for him, and all the guys getting sick. :(

  2. Also, thanks for posting the picture of the gun and basic firing positions! Great idea.

  3. Good observation, Nyssa! I was thinking the von was "now"! Nice to have another set of eyes looking this over! Yes, that would make sense having any German sounding name. Like how Japanese people here too had that issue. Good Call!

    Yes, I posted the rifle and positions for us civilians!

  4. I would have thought that too, except he put quotes BEFORE that word, suggesting it's all one title. I could be wrong, but that's my guess!
